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Winter Camping: Tips and Tricks for Staying Warm and Safe

Winter Camping: Tips and Tricks for Staying Warm and Safe

Winter camping can be an exhilarating experience, but it requires careful preparation to ensure a safe and comfortable trip in the harsh winter environment. To make the most of your winter campin...

Arabica vs. Robusta Beans: What's the Difference?

Arabica vs. Robusta Beans: What's the Difference?

Coffee lovers, unite! If you're anything like us, your day doesn't truly start until you've had your first cup of coffee. But have you ever wondered what makes your morning brew so delicious? The...

History in a Cup: Exploring Single Origin Espresso

History in a Cup: Exploring Single Origin Espresso

What is Single Origin Espresso? Picture yourself sipping a cup of espresso that transports you to the lush hills of Colombia, or the sun-drenched fields of Ethiopia. With Single Origin Espresso, ...

10 Essentials Checklist For A Comfortable Camping Night!

10 Essentials Checklist For A Comfortable Camping Night!

Have you tried camping? Going camping can be particularly stressful, knowing you’ll be miles away in the woods. Therefore, a handy checklist is 100% necessary. We thought we would help you wit...

What Makes an Electric Coffee Maker Necessary?

What Makes an Electric Coffee Maker Necessary?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Millions of people around the globe start their day with a cup of coffee, and for many, it's the only way to stay alert and focused throu...

Ever Wondered Why Crema Happens?

Ever Wondered Why Crema Happens?

What is Crema? You may have heard the term “crema” used before but been unsure what all those baristas were talking about. Or perhaps you’re curious about what makes the top of an espresso shot res...

portable coffee machine

Espresso vs Coffee: What's the difference?

Wait, isn't Espresso coffee? Yes! Because coffee is the liquid extracted from the bean, not the method of preparation, it is technically considered coffee. The main difference between espresso a...